



Hamline's history courses open windows into how people lived, loved, fought, and thought throughout time. You'll apply your insights gained from studying the past to the challenges of the modern world.

Studying history will develop your research and analysis skills into powerful tools in your life and career. You'll learn about the lives of people from the past and examine political, 社会, 文化问题, such as how different societies were organized and how power has been defined and contested over time.

You'll join a community of professors and students who are drawn to the study of the past for the perspectives it provides on our own time, as well as for the intrinsic value of learning about how people in other times and places made sense of their world, 以及他们为改变现状所做的努力. Your classes will focus on thoughtful discussion and help you develop persuasive writing and other communication skills.




新葡新京app, history majors participate in research with faculty as early as their first year, something usually reserved for graduate students at other institutions. You'll design and conduct your own research project based on your individual interests and goals.

The list of possible research projects is as varied as our students. 例如,想象你自己:

  • Mentoring elementary school students on their 历史 Day projects
  • Researching Prohibition’s roots in Minnesota with a team of students and professors
  • Drafting recommendations for legislation based on research and context from past eras
  • Designing museum exhibits that reckon with momentous events and provoke viewers to consider their own lives in a greater historical context

在你的研究过程中, you’ll collaborate with scientists at major research institutions, publish your research in academic journals, 并在当地展示你的作品, 区域, 以及全国性的会议.

Learn more about undergraduate research at Hamline 


We make sure you leave Hamline with work experience in the field of history on your resume, 机会是无限的. Whether you want to explore a career in law, 新闻, 博物馆工作, 或更多的, we have internship opportunities for you.

Examples of organizations where past history students have interned:

  • 长者之友小兄弟会
  • 明尼苏达历史学会
  • 华盛顿县历史学会
  • 汤森路透媒体公司
  • 国家历史日新葡新京app
  • Comunidades Latinas Unidas en Servicio (CLUES)


Our innovative courses and one-on-one mentoring by faculty will give you the tools to succeed in a variety of jobs, 如:

  • 历史系讲师
  • Infectious disease policy research associate
  • Museum director of exhibitions and programming
  • 历史学会服务经理
  • 大学收藏档案保管员
  • Pricing and product data operations associate
  • 贸易关系分析员
  • 气候和能源研究分析师 
  • 教育课程编辑

You can put your skills to work in a variety of fields, including:

  • 立法研究
  • 商业咨询
  • 政治战略家
  • 移民法
  • 市场营销
  • 高中社会研究教师
  • 新闻
  • 国际外交
  • 博物馆的管理

Take your studies further with graduate school

Our graduates have gone on to graduate schools across the country in the pursuit of master’s and doctoral degrees. Examples of programs and schools include:

  • MA, herit年龄 studies and public history, University of Minnesota
  • Master of Business Administration, San Diego State University
  • Master of Public 健康, University of Minnesota
  • Master of 社会 Work, Brown School at Washington University in St. 路易
  • MA, public administration, Harvard Kennedy School
  • MS, library and information science and archives man年龄ment, Simmons University
  • MA, history museum studies, Cooperstown 新葡新京娱乐场app下载 Program, SUNY Oneonta
  • MA, international political economy, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced 国际 Studies
  • MA, security policy, Georgetown University 
  • 雪城大学历史学硕士 
  • PhD, energy and environmental history, Rutgers University
  • PhD, history, Carnegie Mellon University
  • 米切尔·新葡新京娱乐场app下载法学院
  • St大学. 托马斯法学院
  • 乔治城大学法学院
  • 纽约大学法学院
  • 耶鲁大学法学院
  • The George Washington University Law School
  • 俄勒冈大学法学院

写作, 演讲, and research skills I learned at Hamline made me a competitive candidate in many career tracks, 从市场营销到项目管理. My professors encour年龄d me to broaden my studies and showed me how a history degree makes you a better innovator.

Laura Ledray '16, communication and media studies, and history; senior project man年龄r at Nextiva


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